IRATA 로그북 사인

Q. 만약 당신이 IRATA 로프엑세스 자격이 아닌 회사에서 근 무한다면,
당신의 IRATA 로그북에 사인을 받을 수 있을까?

A. 받을 수 있다.

현장 담당자의 이름, 회사에서의 직위, 모든 국가/지역번호를 포함한 전화번호, 이메일 주소를 채워넣으면 유효하다.

하지만, 이사람들에게 연락을 해 확인을 확실하게 받을 수 있어야 한다.

다음은 캐나다 로프엑세스 협회에 어떤이가 문의한 내용에대한 답변글이다.


“Folks there seems to be some confusion surrounding who can sign your logbook so here is something I wrote recently to an email I received;
If you are working for a non-IRATA rope access company performing industrial rope access(not any other method of working at height) then you can get your log book signed off by the person in charge of the work, usually the senior supervisor or manager. The details they must provide are as follows;
Full Name
Position in the company
Phone number including all dialing codes
Email address
You have already noted the name of the company in the log book.
It is your responsibility to ensure that these details are collected correctly as these people can be contacted to confirm the hours logged are correct.
Basically you need to get the details of the person you ultimately report to.
If any of you have any questions please drop me a line.”
Connor Turley
Regional Advisory Committee – North American Chairman